Seating Chart

Please find your name below and take note of which table you have been assigned to, then look for your name card at the reception, which will have your dinner choice listed on it. If someone near you hasn’t gotten their seat assignment yet, please help them out and pull up this page on your phone! :)



We could have labeled our tables with numbers, but that would be boring! Our tables are named after planets in our favorite science fiction movies and literature.

Tables 1-11
(from Earth to Terminus)


    Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is home to the only known life in the non-fiction universe.

    Kelly Johnson
    Paul Olson
    Hilary Carruthers
    Tuck Carruthers
    Jessica Kane
    Justin Lehmann
    Jason Reinen
    Jen Reinen
    Aaron Pope
    Melissa Purdue
    Karli Rybak


    The second planet in the 40 Eridani star system and a class M desert planet, Vulcan is a planet in the Star Trek universe inhabited by a race of humanoids known for their dedication to living by logic and reason, with the salute “live long and prosper.”

    LuAnne Johnson
    Craig Johnson
    Cindy Olson
    Keith Olson
    Joan Nelson
    Dan Nelson
    Marla Olson
    William Bless


    The capital of the First Galactic Empire dreamed up by Isaac Asimov for his Foundation series, Trantor is one continuous, sprawling city home to 40 billion people and known to its inhabitants as the eternal world of legend.

    Devon Cox
    Alex Simpson
    Emily Storms
    Sean Moore
    Rachel Billstein
    Jacob Lutz
    Maddy Wolfe
    Brian Rush


    The adopted homeworld of the Romulans after their exodus from Vulcan–a race of humanoid beings who rejected Surak’s reforms during the Time of Awakening, known for their cunning ingenuity which provides them with a clarity of purpose.

    David Thompson
    Karu Thompson
    Rhiannon Riley
    Steve Havig
    Terri Havig
    Roxy Sullivan
    Rick Sullivan


    Informally known as “Dune,” Arrakis is a harsh desert planet that was of outsized strategic importance in the universe as the only known source of the Spice Melange, which was vital for space travel.

    Pete Tedrow
    Joshua Carlson
    Sarah Fazio
    Jess Starr
    Mike Zabel
    Nathan Klinkhammer
    David Osterberg


    A sparsely populated desert planet in the Star Wars universe located in the Outer Rim Territories–home to legendary Jedi knights Anakin and Luke Skywalker, who would go on to shape galactic history.

    Megan Bacharach
    Gabriel Anderson
    Gretta Mosser
    Kirk McLaughlin
    Kaitlin Campbell
    Laurel Criswell
    Mark Hayes
    Matt Regan


    Also known as the Forest Moon of Endor, this enchanted world is known for being the native home of the Ewoks–curious, furry bipeds who were crucial to the destruction of the second Death Star.

    Hannah Calandra
    Vaughn Calandra
    Edith Yeh
    Chris Laxamana
    Kyle OBrien
    Elysa Ericsson
    Suzanne Taliercio
    Gavin Stokes


    An earthlike, labyrinthine world created by Dan Simmons for his Hyperion Cantos series, and the location of the Time Tombs and Church of the Shrike–a legendary being of power and strength.

    Seri Yeckel
    John Yeckel
    Lisa Staples
    Kevin Roforth
    Sherri Roforth
    Diane Roforth-Smith
    Nick Kliebenstein

  • HOTH

    A snowy planet in the Star Wars universe and native home to the Wampas–tall, furry creatures known for their intelligence and caring greatly about their clans.

    Chris Brown
    Mindy Brown
    Janelle Strom
    Terry Strom
    Livia Lang
    Lanse Lang
    Ted Grindal
    Michele Grindal

  • QO'NOS

    The Klingon homeworld known for its chaotic weather and humanoid warrior inhabitants, who prize honor and tradition above any other species in the Star Trek universe.

    Eric Holmberg
    Lisa Holmberg
    Noelle Hume
    Michael Hume
    Scott Cvetkovski
    Sam Cvetkovski
    Brent Burton
    Jana Burton


    Located on the very fringe of the Galactic spiral, Terminus was first inhabited by the Encyclopedists: A group of Psychohistorians who were exiled to the planet to build the Encyclopedia Galactica–the ultimate compendium of human knowledge–in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series.

    Andy Jewell
    Sarah Jewell
    Peggy Duffy
    Regan Duffy
    Joe Murphy
    Sarah Murphy